Lower Grammar

The Lower Grammar program (Grade K-3) is where students begin their classical education in the Grammar stage. Students memorize a foundation of knowledge in history, science, English, Latin, geography, and math that prepares them for their learning in later years. Students practice their weekly memory work together and participate in hands-on science and art projects, discovering the beauty and wonder of God’s creation together.

This program meets one morning a week for 28 weeks a year. Parent attendance in class is required.

Upper Grammar

Students continue their classical learning in the Upper Grammar program (Grade 4-6), where they build on their foundation of knowledge and develop their skills in the following subjects:

Science:  Exploration of the works of scientists in history & how scientific discovery glorifies God, through hands-on activities and experiments

History:  A chronological survey of world history integrated with biblical and church history

Fine Arts:  Students are taught drawing techniques and introduced to works of famous artists, composers, and poets

English Grammar:  Grammar concepts and sentence diagramming taught through group games and activities

Latin: Memory work selected from Latina Christiana by Memoria Press

Writing:  History-based writing program from the Institute of Excellence in Writing (IEW) in three cycles: Ancient History, Medieval History, and Canadian History 

Math:  Mental math games & activities

This program meets one day a week for 30 weeks a year. Parent attendance in class is required.


The focus of the Masters program (Grade 7-12) is on the Dialectic stage. Students learn to generate ideas through the Canon of Invention, sort the facts through Arrangement, and present them in style using the tools of Elocution. 

This is where they begin to reason logically, to disagree politely, and to reflect deeply on the diversity of ideas and worldview. We facilitate dialectic discussions through Literature, Debate, Science, Latin, Math and Logic.

This program meets one day a week for 30 weeks a year.